Here’s A Simple Way to Save Money on Your Wedding

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Here’s A Simple Way to Save Money on Your Wedding

Are you ready to get married? If you and your partner decided to get married, you should read this tips on how to spend and save money on wedding cost.


Steps To Prepare Your Marriage 

Marriage is a day to look forward to for young couples.

You certainly hope that the wedding day will be a happy day for both you and your partner, as well as for your family and friends. Usually the bride and groom will feel nervous about getting married.

Naturally, the nervousness is caused by the marriage bond itself. But don’t let the bride and groom get nervous about the wedding day because they don’t know how to pay for all the vendors that have been used on the wedding day.

In order for the wedding to run smoothly as planned, make sure you take into account and prepare all the required costs carefully.

How to plan wedding funds? For couples who are getting married soon, let’s plan your wedding funds with the Finansialku app.

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After working for a few years and finding the right life partner, you and your partner want to move to a more serious stage, namely marriage. This happy plan is usually eagerly awaited by everyone, both you and your partner or extended family.

But before having fun, have you prepared the funds for the wedding carefully?

Every marriage is expected to bring happiness. So don’t let costs become a problem that makes happiness covered by worries.

Therefore, every couple who is getting married must prepare the wedding funds carefully. If possible, prepare these funds in advance so that you can collect them little by little. Here are some steps you need to take to prepare a wedding fund:

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Make Sure of Wedding Date And Various Deadlines

After deciding to get married, of course you and your partner must determine when the happy date you want to choose to run the wedding. Apart from the wedding date, you also have to set a deadline to prepare all the wedding needs.

This will be related to the dates to pay off all payments.

You have to make a schedule when to pay for the building rent, catering, wedding gowns, wedding suits, and all other details that will be needed for your wedding.

If you already have a clear schedule, you can more freely determine what products will be effectively used to prepare the wedding funds.


Take into Account All Costs

Marriage for everyone can have different meanings. There are couples who think that weddings should be held on a large scale, while there are also couples who just want to celebrate with a simple thanksgiving.

Whatever your choice, there is still a cost. Long before deciding to get married, you have to prepare yourself and know the fact that marriage is expensive.

If you are planning to get married in the next few years, the costs involved could be greater than the current costs because there is an inflationary factor that increases prices each year.

It doesn’t matter whenever you want to get married, but the earlier you know the details of the costs involved, the better. That way it will be easier to calculate the funds that need to be prepared from now on.


Make A Wedding Checklist

After calculating all the funds required, record the costs. In every wedding event, there must be many details that must be prepared. Even for a simple wedding, there are at least dozens of things that must be prepared.

So that all needs are not missed, you should make a wedding checklist. Include everything you have to take care of for your wedding on the checklist. Including how much to pay and when to pay for each wedding need.


Orderly Invest According to Your Plan

After having careful calculations and planning, you can just run it. A plan is useless if it is not implemented. If you want your goals to be achieved as planned, make sure you always invest according to the amount needed each month.

Then you also shouldn’t forget to monitor your investment regularly. Make sure the funds collected are according to your plan.

How do you manage a wedding budget and how to save on wedding costs to suit your budget?

Marriage is an ideal for many people, but marriage is always synonymous with expensive and wasteful receptions.

Marriage does not have to be millions of rupiah, let’s calculate the wedding budget and follow ways to save on wedding costs.

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Ways To Save Money on Your Wedding

Maybe you feel that marriage is the purpose of life, the end of the journey to find a partner. But in fact marriage is just the beginning of your life with your partner.

Therefore, you should be wise in calculating the wedding budget and save on wedding costs so that you can start a marriage well.

Finansialku will show that weddings don’t have to be millions of rupiah, let’s calculate the wedding budget and follow ways to save money on wedding costs:


#1 Determine a Budget and Make a Wedding Needs List

The first step that determines your wedding budget is to make a list of wedding necessities. Determine in advance how big your wedding budget is and what your wedding needs are as well as the vendors that are possible and in accordance with your budget. Some of the standard marriage needs that are used include:

  1. Venue and Decoration. You can choose a place ranging from hotels, multi-purpose buildings, to meeting halls that are usually used for events. Ask whether the decoration is included in the rental package or not, if not, you can look for separate decorating services.
  2. Catering Services. Count the number of guests you want to invite, both relatives and friends, as this affects the cost of food. You can determine the catering service that suits your wedding theme and the desired menu.
  3. Schedule of Events. Determine the arrangement of the program along with all the needs, for example the flower throwing event, then prepare a bouquet of flowers.
  4. Create invitations according to your budget and according to a predetermined number of guests.
  5. Souvenirs are an option, because souvenirs are rarely used lately. If you want it, choose a useful souvenir at an affordable price.
  6. Wedding clothes and suits. There are quite a lot of choices of wedding clothes and suits and can be adjusted according to the budget. An example is that you can buy it, rent it, or even make clothes the way you want.
  7. You can use a committee or wedding organizer or organize your own wedding.
  8. Bridal make up. Bridal make up is one of the wedding needs that can be saved, starting from using the services of a friend as a Make Up Artist, or usually already provided at the bridal where you rent the wedding dress.
  9. Photography and Videography. Determine the photography and videography services you want, try from the same vendor to save costs.
  10. Master of Ceremony and Music Entertainment. You also need to find an MC and musical entertainment to fill your show.


#2 Organizing and Allocating a Wedding Fund Budget

After you have determined a budget and made a list of needs, the next step is to allocate the budget. Start with the highest priority first.


#3 Ways to Save Money on Wedding Costs

Wedding costs tend to be expensive even though you have allocated it in such a way, so many couples postpone marriage because of this financial burden. Therefore, it is necessary to have several savings that can significantly affect the wedding budget, including:

  1. Reducing the number of guests. Weddings are such an intimate occasion that there is no need to invite too many people. Invite family and close relatives who will make the wedding moment even more memorable.
  2. Choose a work day. Getting married on weekdays will save you some costs, for example, the cost of renting a building is offered cheaper on weekdays than on weekends.
  3. Arrange your own marriage. Arrange your own wedding to save on committee or wedding organizer costs.
  4. Rent a dress instead of buying. The wedding dress will only be used once, so there is no point if you buy it. Also consider new designers whose prices are still affordable than designers
  5. Set priorities. Choose some wedding needs that you think are important and you can allocate the rest of your budget in that part and save on wedding needs that you think are less important.
  6. Own aisle decorations. Modern aisle decorations are getting simpler and different from traditional decorations. You may consider decorating yourself to save on decorating rental fees.
  7. Take advantage of the skills of friends and relatives. If you have relatives or friends with certain skills, for example photography, there’s nothing wrong with using a friend’s services to save costs.
  8. No need to be luxurious, the important thing is memorable. The wedding party does not need to be large and luxurious, you can keep it simple but become a memorable moment with your family and closest relatives.


Wedding Doesn’t Have To Be Expensive

Get rid of the notion that marriage is expensive and wasteful. You can make your dream wedding come true on a limited budget by simply applying some of the ways to save on wedding costs that have been outlined earlier.

Make your wedding moments happy and memorable, instead of luxurious and stressful in the end.


Now you know how to manage your wedding spend and how to save money to live afterwards. After reading this, I hope you can apply it well into your live so you can have a comfortable and prosper life with your partner.

Sadly, there are still many people don’t know this tips. You can be a hero in their life by sharing this information through one of your social media!

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