Category: Travis Bradberry

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Kata-kata Bijak Travis Bradberry: Pemimpin yang Diikuti

If you want to be a leader whom people follow with absolute conviction, you have to be a likable leader. Tyrants and curmudgeons with brilliant vision can command a reluctant following for a time, but it never lasts. They burn people out before they ever get to see what anyone is truly capable of. Travis […]

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Kata-kata Bijak Travis Bradberry: Mementingkan Diri Sendiri

Kindness is weak when you use it in a self-serving manner. Self-serving kindness is thin – people can see right through it when a kind leader has an agenda. Travis Bradberry, Penulis Buku   Bahasa Indonesia Kebaikan akan lemah ketika Anda menggunakannya dengan cara mementingkan diri sendiri. Kebaikan yang mementingkan diri sendiri akan tipis – […]

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Kata-kata Bijak Travis Bradberry: Kemampuan Disukai

Few things kill likeability as quickly as arrogance. Likable leaders don’t act as though they’re better than you because they don’t think that they’re better than you. Rather than being a source of prestige, they see their leadership position as bringing them additional accountability for serving those who follow them. Travis Bradberry, Penulis Buku   […]

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